A proactive approach to building software: code quality analysis for faster and higher quality software development – Bosch & Embold

This session will give insights in Code analytics, Code quality and Smart software development

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Breakout Session
Presentation + Live Demo + Q&A


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11:15 AM UTC



12:00 PM UTC

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An overview of content and participating host/speakers.

Especially relevant for Engineering Managers, Software Developers, Architects, Embedded Engineering teams, CIOs, CEOs (Start Ups, SMEs, enterprises), and CTOs.

This session will focus on the issues related to automotive software management today and how to resolve some of these issues through modern toolchains and how ML on source code and big code approaches can be leveraged to deliver powerful solutions to development teams.

Software development teams focus their time and effort on developing new features, correct problems, respond to defects, and change handling. When done proactively, the teams are able to create, design, and work on features and tests in a structured and productive way to create value for the projects and organization. On the other hand, a reactive approach would lead to unplanned work, interruptions, and errors forcing the teams to focus less thereby impairing their performances. Due to the project timelines, nature of change requests, and defects, software project teams end up with lesser time or effort to ensure that the software design and code structures are still maintainable and reliable. With the passage of time, small changes accrue into large chunks of issues (Technical Debt) which become tougher to manage. The cost of changing these chunks of issues is starved of time as well as investments from Customers. Any deviations in the software quality can have huge consequences – monetarily and/or affect Customer / OEM relationships.

The key learning will be understanding how this situation can be handled by empowering the developers with the right insights and knowledge to tackle the risks effectively and earlier in their developments.

We will discuss the following questions:

  • What issues to focus on and how to prioritize to achieve longer sustainable software solutions.
  • How modern toolchains enable development teams to identify the right issues at the right time in their software development workflows.

Agenda & Topics

All times CET, Berlin/Germany

13:15 - Introduction by the Plug and Play team followed by an introduction of the problem from Hari Prasad Tilak Swamy from Bosch

13:20 - Introduction by the Embold team and first live poll a) Live poll: How much time do your teams usually spend on refactoring debugging etc. Do you track it? Do you know the cost of this?

13:30 - Live Demo by the Embold team and second live poll b) Live poll: Concerning awareness about static analysis, thoughts on importance, specific issues faced that could potentially be solved by Embold.

13:50 - Open Q&A and third live poll c) Live poll: Open Feedback by participants of the session

Project Teaser

This session is associated with a pilot project that has been developed throughout our most recent STARTUP AUTOBAHN program. The comprehensive overview of this collaboration can be found below.

Using AI-based analytics for the improvement and maintenance of software coding projects

As the requirements of customers for technology products in the mobility sector increase, software development projects become more complex and harder to control. This demands a constant focus on maintaining and writing code, because even small changes in the code affect the overall performance of the technology for the customer.

Project Teasers can be accessed and downloaded on the respective program startup profiles with which our STARTUP AUTOBAHN partners teamed up with.
For this POC the following startup has been involved:

Embold Technologies

Enterprise 2.0

Embold Technologies

Enterprise 2.0

Access Startup

EXPO 10 Rearview

For a comprehensive overview of all EXPO 10 recordings and to re-watch the entire day please head over to the rearview section.

Host of this session

Speakers of this session

Express interest for EXPO 11

EXPO 10 might not be completely wrapped up yet, but we are already in preparation stage for our first big event in 2022. Apply now for your chance to participate the coming spring as we bring together innovators from around the world, showcasing new technologies and party another round of successfull STARTUP AUTOBAHN startups.

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